5 Common Causes of Sewer Damage

5 Common Causes of Sewer Damage and How to Prevent ThemSewer Damage

As a homeowner, you have many responsibilities to maintain and care for your property. One of the most important aspects of homeownership is ensuring that your sewer system is functioning properly. Unfortunately, sewer damage is not uncommon and can be a major headache for homeowners.

In this article, we will discuss 5 common causes of sewer damage and provide tips on how you can prevent them. By being proactive and taking preventative measures, you can save yourself from potential headaches and costly repairs in the future. So, let’s dive in and learn how to protect your home from sewer damage! Keep reading to find out more.

Tree Roots

Tree roots are one of the main culprits behind sewer damage, but how exactly do they cause such issues? As trees grow, their root systems can spread out far and wide in search of water and nutrients. This includes extending towards underground pipes, which provide a source of moisture for the roots.

Once these tree roots infiltrate the pipes, they can cause blockages and cracks due to their size and strength. Over time, this can lead to backups, leaks, and even total pipe collapse. But why do tree roots target sewer pipes in the first place? It all comes down to the nutrients that are found inside. Sewer pipes contain organic waste that trees consider a valuable food source, making them attractive for root growth.

So what can you do to prevent tree roots from causing damage to your sewer system? First, it’s important to be aware of any trees that are planted near your sewer lines. If possible, try to plant new trees at least 10 feet away from the pipes to avoid root intrusion.

Regularly inspecting and maintaining your sewer pipes can also help catch any potential issues before they escalate. This includes using specialized tools, such as a sewer scope camera, to check for any root intrusion or damage.

How to Prevent:

To prevent tree roots from causing damage to your sewer system, there are a few simple steps you can take:

  • When planting trees, make sure to choose their location carefully and keep them at least 10 feet away from any sewer lines.
  • Regularly inspect your sewer pipes for any signs of root intrusion. If you notice any issues, consider contacting a professional plumber to address the problem before it becomes more serious.
  • Consider replacing old clay or cast iron pipes with newer, more durable materials such as PVC or HDPE pipes. These are less likely to be infiltrated by tree roots.
  • If you have large trees near your property, consider scheduling regular root trimming and removal to prevent them from reaching your sewer pipes.

By being proactive and taking these preventive measures, you can avoid costly repairs and maintain the health of your sewer system.

Grease Buildup

As mentioned earlier, pouring grease down the drain may seem harmless at the moment, but it can have serious consequences for your sewer system. In addition to causing blockages, grease buildup can also lead to foul odors and attract pests. One of the biggest culprits of grease buildup is cooking oil. When cooking with oil, it’s important to dispose of it properly by letting it cool and then throwing it away in the trash. Pouring it down the drain may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it can cause major problems in the long run.

In addition to cooking oil, other types of grease also contribute to buildup in your sewer pipes. This includes fats from meats, dairy products, and even salad dressings. So next time you’re cooking or cleaning up in the kitchen, be mindful of what you’re putting down the drain.

How to Prevent:

As mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons for sewer damage is grease buildup in pipes. Here are some additional tips on how you can prevent this issue:

  • Scrape excess food and grease from dishes into the trash before washing them in the sink.
  • Use a paper towel to wipe down greasy pots and pans before washing them.
  • Avoid using garbage disposals as they can contribute to grease buildup in pipes. Instead, dispose of food scraps in the trash or compost bin.
  • Regularly clean and maintain your kitchen sink drain to prevent grease buildup. Consider installing a grease trap in your kitchen sink to catch any excess grease before it goes down the drain.

By being mindful of what goes down your kitchen sink and implementing these preventative measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of grease buildup in your sewer pipes. This will not only help prevent sewer damage, but it will also benefit the environment by reducing pollutants in our water systems. So, do your part and keep those pipes clear of grease!

Pipe Corrosion

Pipe corrosion is a common cause of sewer damage that often goes unnoticed. Over time, pipes can corrode due to various factors such as age, acidic waste buildup, and even the materials used in old pipes. It is important to regularly inspect your sewer pipes for any signs of corrosion.

This can include discoloration, rusting, or even leaks. If you notice any of these signs, it is crucial to take action immediately before the damage worsens. In addition to regular inspections, consider replacing old pipes with newer, more durable materials. This can help prevent future corrosion and extend the lifespan of your sewer system.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to pipe corrosion. By being proactive and taking care of your pipes, you can avoid costly repairs and inconvenience in the future.

How to Prevent:

Avoid using chemical drain cleaners and opt for natural alternatives such as hot water and vinegar or baking soda and lemon juice

  • Regularly clean your drains with hot water to prevent buildup
  • Use a drain snake or plunger to clear clogs instead of chemicals

By avoiding chemical drain cleaners, you can not only prevent pipe corrosion but also protect the environment. These harsh chemicals can be harmful to the ecosystem and should be avoided whenever possible.

In addition, it’s important to note that some homes may have lower water pH levels, which can also contribute to pipe corrosion. In this case, it may be beneficial to install a neutralizing filter for your home’s water supply. Remember, regular maintenance and being mindful of what goes down your drains can go a long way in preventing sewer damage.

Flushing Inappropriate Items

Another common cause of sewer damage is flushing inappropriate items down the toilet. This includes items such as wipes, feminine hygiene products, and even paper towels. These items do not break down easily in the sewer system and can cause clogs and backups.

While it may seem convenient to simply flush these items down the toilet, it can lead to major problems in your sewer system and even in the municipal sewer system.

It is important to educate all household members, especially children, on what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Consider placing a waste bin in each bathroom for items that should not be flushed. This simple step can help prevent unnecessary damage to your sewer system.

Remember, only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Anything else can cause serious issues. So, be mindful of what goes down your drains and always dispose of items properly.

How to Prevent:

  • Only flush toilet paper down the toilet
  • Educate household members about what can and cannot be flushed
  • Place a garbage bin in the bathroom for items that should not be flushed

Construction and Digging

While construction and digging can cause damage to sewer pipes, it is not always avoidable, especially if you are planning on building or renovating your home. In these cases, it is important to take the necessary precautions and be aware of where your sewer lines are located.

If you are hiring professionals for any construction work, make sure to communicate the location of your sewer lines and any potential risks to avoid any accidental damage. It is also a good idea to have your sewer lines inspected before and after the completion of any major construction work.

If you are planning on doing any digging in your yard for landscaping or gardening purposes, always call your local utility company to mark the location of underground pipes and cables. This will help you avoid hitting or damaging your sewer pipes.
In some cases, construction or digging may result in damage to your sewer pipes despite taking precautions. In these situations, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further damage and costly repairs

How to Prevent:

  • Know where your sewer lines are located before starting any construction or landscaping projects
  • Use caution when digging in your yard
  • Hire professionals for major construction work to minimize the risk of damage to your sewer system

As a homeowner, it is important to be aware of these common causes of sewer damage and take preventative measures. Regular maintenance and being mindful of what goes down your drains can save you from costly repairs and inconvenience in the future.
By taking care of your sewer system, you are protecting your home and preserving its value. So, be proactive and take the necessary steps to prevent sewer damage. Your wallet and peace of mind will thank you. Happy homeowning!